Sunday 8 September 2013

Exercise 2.3 (ISO)

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 2.3

After the shutter speed explaination finish, Mr Vinod explained the next class that is ISO. ISO is the number indicating a digital camera sensor sensitivity to light. The higher the sensitivity, the less light is needed to make an exposure. Shooting at a lower ISO number requires more light than shooting at a higher number.

For exercise 2.3(a), we were told to take pictures using the lowest ISO to the highest. Determine the right exposure (shutter speed and aperture with ISO 100). Then increase the ISO setting to higher without adjusting the shutter speed and aperture again.

Here are the pictures taken:
ISO 200
S 1/60

ISO 400
S 1/60

ISO 800
S 1/60

ISO 1600
S 1/60

ISO 3200
S 1/60

ISO 6400
S 1/60

Reflections for exercise 2.3(a):
During this exercise, I learnt that the higher the number of ISO used, the higher the exposure will be. I saw how an image could be overexposed when using a high ISO. When the picture is overexposed, light make the picture less clearer.

For exercise 2.3(b), we were told to capture the evidence of degradation of image as the ISO increases in sensitivity. But this time we need to determine the right exposure with lowest ISO setting.

Here are the pictures:
ISO 200
S 1/60

ISO 400
S 1/40

ISO 800
S 1/80

ISO 1600
S 1/160

ISO 3200
S 1/320

IS0 6400
S 1/640
Reflections for exercise 2.3(b):
The picture taken may look the same, but when looking closely to the picture, I saw that the amount of visible noise increases with the ISO number. This make the picture less clear.

Handout for exercise 2.3(a)

Handout for exercise 2.3(b)

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