Monday 23 September 2013

Assignment 2: Research Work

The work for assignment 2 was was to make a frame using mounting board. The frame was our viewfinder so we had to take picture with the frame and make a composition using the Rule of Thirds.

Our task was to choose a subject matter for examples: shoes, watch and etc. We had to make a composition using the frame as the viewfinder and also taking into consideration the Rule of Thirds. I have chosen shoes as mu subject matter.
Here are some of my first shot:

After the first tutorial of the assignment, Ms. Lisa found some of the pictures interesting as there was a textured background. But the only thing was that in some of the pictures I crop the shoes when taking the picture. She said that I could keep my subject but use different textures for the background.
Before making our video, Ms. Lisa posted on our Facebook page some video of our senior. Some of them really inspired me to change my video. Instead of showing just the pictures, I wanted to tell a story. Thinking what story to tell, I finally got one 'My Daily Life As A Pair Of Shoes'. 
Here are some of the pictures of my daily life as a pair of shoes:

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