Monday 9 December 2013

Final Group Colour Assignment

This was our last assignment for the semester. This assignment was a group work where we had to create an own version of a colour wheel that goes beyond the norm.
We should as creative as possible. At the end it should be large scale 3D end product.
During the lecture, we were asked to choose a theme for which we should do the colour wheel. Two theme were chosen: Food and carnival. Finally voted by each and everyone in the class,  carnival was our final choice.
During the tutorial class we were asked to come out with ideas. Our group has chosen bumper cars as our final product.
The week after we came out with a mock up that we showed to our lecturer Ms. Lisa and she approved, so the work could begin.

Making of the base
Materials used:  styrofoam, tissue paper, glue and tape.
We started by cutting the styrofoam to make the circle shape and with stick it together using glue and tape.

Then we used papier mache to make the structure more stronger and to make it easy to be painted.

The final step for the base was the painting process. We used the secondary colour of the colour wheel: Orange, green and violet.

Bumper cars
Materials: Wire
The bumper cars were made using wire. And for the colour we used plastic sheet of primary colour: yellow, red and blue.

For the mechanism, to make the base and the bumper cars to turn we used the lazy susan.

Here are the final 3 bumper cars:

Each bumper and its colour represent an emotion.


Thursday 21 November 2013

Final Submission

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography

This week was the final submission of our hard copy portfolio, ePortfolio, CD of all our files and the theme based project.
During the class, Mr Vinod ask each one of us to come to see him individually to show our theme based project. He gave us feedback about the theme based project. After this he gave a general feedback to the class.
At the end, he asked us to continue the studio lighting shoot.

He said that my photos were good and there was a consistency in the series bu the only thing is the repetitive shot of the bridge. The composition could have been better as I did not realise what was in the background when I took the photos. He also likes one the photo and told that it could be use for an exhibition of our work.

General feedback:
He told us to be out of the bag and to be more creative. To choose a theme that no one will dare to do.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Theme Based Project

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography

For the theme based project, I have chosen landscape as my theme. Thinking of a place where I could get good landscape, my friend propose to me a place called Tanjung Sepat. It took about 1-3 hour to get there. Tanjung Sepat is found in Kuala Langat. It primarily a fishing town. I did not know what to find there but when I arrived there, I was amazed by the landscape that could be seen there. I started taking pictures around 18.00.


Print our final five photos in size 5x7s and 8x10s.
Write a 350 words rationale about the theme.
Create a thumbnail printout of our 5 pictures, as we did for other exercise.
Arrange these in this order:

Burn all our Word documents, screenshots and photos of all our exercises, field trips and the final 5 of our theme based project onto a CD.

Field trips & Misc
Final theme based project
Link of ePortfolio should be pasted at the bottom of our rationale.

Theme Based Project Final 5:

f/9 S 1 ISO 400

f/5.6 S 1/640 ISO 400

f/5.6 S 1/500 ISO 400

f/22 S 1/2 ISO 400

f/9 S 1 ISO 400

Print version:

I will re upload these photo again due to the bad quality.

Feedback: ...

Doing this theme based project was not a really easy task for me. I did not know what theme to take. Landscape is a very common theme for photographers. I tried to be above this similarity and it was not that easy. Going to Tanjung Sepat was a great experience even it was a long way to go there. I was not really prepared when going there, I did not know what will I expect to see there. I use all the skills that I learned during the semester and show it in my final work.


Sunday 10 November 2013

Studio Lighting

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography

This week, we were required to have chosen our studio photo that we wanted to replicate.

This week lecture was about lighting. How to use light when taking photo in studio.
Here are different types of lighting:
- Main light
- Fill light
- Rim light
- Hair light
- Background light
Each of these light got a main function.
After the lecture, we went to the other studio where we had to take the photo. We were introduced to the equipment that we will use for the lighting.

Each models got a photographer and assistant to help during the shoot. For the first two photo shoot, Mr Vinod help in and gives us a demonstration on how using the light.

This is the studio photo that I have chosen:
Here is the photo that my classmate Dany took:

A little more fill light and 1/2 stops over exposure was required. 

This week class was really interesting for me. Instead of being the photographer, you are the models. What I realised is that it was not an easy thing to take the photo. It was a really tiring experience but fun one.

Thursday 31 October 2013


Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography

This week class was basically for the final theme-based project. We had to show some of the shots we had taken. Then Mr Vinod would give feedback about it.
For the next week, we were asked to research and choose a portrait taken in a photography studio and in the 40s and 50s.

Here are some of the pictures I got:

This my chosen picture
Then after we have to do this portrait by using a model that are ourselves.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Pangkor Island trip

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography
Best 5

This week, we went for a study trip to Pangkor island. This was supposed to be for our creative thinking skills assignment but other lecturers also gave us work. For Photography, Mr Vinod asked us to take pictures and choose the final 5 like the previous week.

Best 5:
f/8 S 1/320 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/400 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/400 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/320 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/160 ISO 200


This is one of my very first good feedback I got from Mr Vinod. He said that my work got a consistency of series. He loved the change in the series of the wide shot of the rope captured in the scenery with the tree, beach, sea, and island in the background and then other shots that vary from tight close up of the rope and 
the mid level shot of the tree and the leaves against the sea. But the only thing is that two shots were repetitive but overall was a very good attempt.

This trip was a nice one. This island reminds me a lot about my country Mauritius because of the sea and the environment. I took the pictures during the first day as we were free to roam around. I did not found it really difficult to take photo there as there was nos many people as Chow Kit road and i got the time to adjust my exposure and aperture accordingly to the environment.

Monday 21 October 2013

Assignment: Colour Theory

We were asked to research about the definition of these terms of colour.

Hue: One of the main properties of colour. It is known as the purest form of colour that is seen by our sight without adding any black or white pigments. Another definition of this is that the attribute of colours where it lets them to be categorized as red, yellow, green and blue or in between any adjoining pair of these colours.

Value: The amount of lightness and darkness of the hue. It's like if you add some white it would give it a lighter value and if black is added, it would give it a darker value. 

Saturation: The intensity of light that goes through a range of different wavelengths. The highest saturation of colour can be achieved by using a very high intensity wavelength. If the intensity decreases, so does the saturation. It is an important aspect in photography.

Secondary Colour: Colour obtained when mixing two primary colour together ( Red, yellow, blue). Secondary colours are green, orange and violet.

Tertiary Colour: Colour obtained when mixing one primary colour and one secondary colour or even two secondary colour. 

Analogus Colour: Groups of colours that are adjacent to each other on the colour scheme, with one being the dominant colour. Examples: Orange and Blue, Yellow and Violet, Red and Green.

Tint: Addition of white to a mixture of colour to make it lighter.

Shade: Addition of black to a mixture of colour to increase the darkness of the colour.

Monochrome Colour: The colours derived from a single hue and then protracted with different shades, tones and tints by adding different amounts of black, white and grey to that particular hue.

What can be said in general about:

Warm ColourWarm colours are colours whose relative visual temperature makes them seem warm. They are predicated on the red, orange, and yellow and incline to suggest a sense of warmth. The attributes of these colours include love, heat, ecstasy, and puissance.

Cool ColourAssociated to hues of  blue green to blue violet. Gives the sense of cooling when seen. Normally  used to engender a calming and relaxing environment.

Symbols of Colours:

Royalty: Many people think that yellow or gold colours represent royalty. However, it is a fact that Royalty is symbolized through purple colours such as violet. This came about during the time of Queen Elizabeth I, where purple coloured fabrics were really expensive that only the royalty could afford it. It was also forbidden for people other than family members of the royalty to wear purple.

Freshness: Green not always represent nature. That natural look of green gives off a sense of something being fresh. Looking at green coloured objects will make your eyes feel relax, which is good.

Passion: No other colour can represents passion better than colour red. Not only do we associate red with an emotion such as anger, but red can also represent love. Red gives off a sense of heat. The colour red produces intensity whether in fights or even in love.

I realised the effect of colours in the daily life and also in design making. Different colours have different feeling in life. After this research, we were given our colour assigment.

Assignment 3: Final Work

After the tutorials class, I took Ms. Lisa advice and elaborate on my theme. I take into consideration the dead sugar skull that she asked me to research about and put it in one of my cutout. After some hours of work, I finally came with the final 2 cutouts. This work required patience and time. With this assignment I learnt the skills of using a pen knife. I also developed my patience that I was not used to as I'm not a really patient guy.
Here is my final work:


Assignment 3: Paper Cutouts (Instructions)

During the class, we were asked to choose our theme for the assignment. So during the time given, we were asked to do a mind mapping about our ideas. I divided my mind map by using my likes like music, sports and vintage things.

Ms.Lisa checked each of us our mind map and advise us what to take. For me my theme was Gypsy style tattoo and psychedelic. For me the gypsy was easy to me as I like doing these types of drawings. She then asked us to draw our ideas (one symmetry and one asymmetry).

Here are the ideas, but she asked me to more elaborate on the psychedelic items and the gypsy skull (Sugar skull).

Sunday 13 October 2013

Chow Kit Road trip

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography
Best 5

Our second field trip was at Chow Kit road in Kuala Lumpur. Mr Vinod brought us there as many students choose streets as there theme for their final project. There we learnt how to behave and adapt to the environment. As the condition was totally different from our first excursion at Batu Caves. Mr Vinod asked us not to attract attention so not to being robbed. We were asked to take photo only if it worth it.
Our task was to observe the areas and take photo. We also had to choose our best 5 like last week at Batu Caves.

Best 5:
f/8 S 1/160 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/125 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/400 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/100 ISO 200

f/8 S 1/40 ISO 6400

This series was a little weak. Mr Vinod said that I need to pay better attention to a topic area within the subject (chow kit). The picture of the building and the street didn't have any point of interest that he could discern. But he likes the picture of the man frame through the back of the signboard.

It was challenging to take photo in an unknown place. The difficulty was that there was many crowd around the area and we had to be discrete. In the market place low light make it more difficult. I learnt a lot about taking photo in low light and in crowded place. 

Saturday 5 October 2013

Batu Caves trip

Francis Jason Wong Chin
Introduction to Photography
Best 5

We went to Batu Caves this Friday for a field trip. Mr Vinod joins us at the glass building at 8.30. He started by a brief about Batu Caves and we walked around for the first few shots with him then he let us alone. He let us till 11.00 to take pictures around the area.
The task that were given to us was to use our skills we learnt during the last few weeks and put it in pratice that is The zone system and composition.

Here are some of the pictures taken:

Best 5:

f 11 S 1/40 ISO 400

f  8 S 1/500 ISO 200

f 8 S 1/200 ISO 200

f 8 S 1/640 ISO 200

f 8 S 1/320 ISO 400

Mr Vinod said that it was a little difficult to put the photo in a series and that it lacks a straight lines or a thread or an angle.

It was a nice experience to go to Batu Caves as it was my first time there. Taking pictures where there is many people has some difficulties. For the pictures, I used what I learnt during the previous class. I have walked a lot around the area and with steps to go up.