Saturday 21 June 2014

2 Dimensional Design: First day Self Portrait

For semester 2, we have one module called 2 Dimensional Design. This subject was taught by Ms.Lisa our lecturer of Principle of Designs last semester. For the first class of 2D Design, I was quite excited what we will be doing during this semester as Principle of designs was a very interesting subject.

Basically what we did during the first class was like last semester that is a self portrait. But the thing was that this self portrait was totally different. This time we did not need to draw our face or even do a mind map of our interest like last semester. This self portrait could be anything, use any materials we wanted but it had to represent us and how we changed during the last semester to now. We were given 2 hours to research and do it then present to the class.

I found it quite difficult at start what to do. Then I started to think how I changed during the previous semester to now. Walking around campus while thinking about what can I do, I realise that I was still very shy in the class and what could represent me. After this I felt thirsty, I went to the vending machine then I was like struck by lighting. This idea came directly. My drawing was simple but with meaning. I decided to draw a vending machine.

Basically what is this drawing? You can see a vending machine with a brain inside. For me, a vending machine is something strong with few emotion. For it to work we have to go to it, it's like someone have to come to talk to me for me to talk back. Even no one come to the vending machine, it will stay unmoved from where it is. No one can affect or change my world. The brain inside the vending machine represent my feeling and my world. I feel nothing even if people don't come to talk to me.